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Dołączył: 31 Sie 2007
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Programy Hakerskie |
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Jest to płytka opublikowana przez znaną grupe hackerska Ethical Hacker zawierająca pełen tutorial odnośnie hackerstwa - nie myslcie że po przestudiowaniu zebranej tu wiedzy włamiecie się na serwer onetu lub banku jednak z pewnością podszkolicie swoje umiejetności - uwaga wskazana znajomośc języka angielskiego.
"Nie ma nic tak odległego,by było poza naszym zasięgiem,ani tak ukrytego, by nie dało sie odkryć." Kartezjusz
10 praw każdego który smie się nazywać prawdziwym hackerem:
1. Nigdy nie uszkadzaj systemu, do ktorego sie wlamujesz.
2. Nigdy nie zmieniaj plikow systemowych, oprocz tych, ktore powinienes zabezpieczyc, aby nie zostac wykrytym i tych ktore sam zabezpieczyles aby zyskac bezpieczny dostep w przyszlosci.
3. Nigdy nie zmieniaj hasel, na kogos koncie, bo moga zajsc podejrzenia, a poza tym, jesli zmienisz to i tak sie dlugo nie nacieszysz tym kontem
4. Nie czytaj, czyjejs poczty, chyba ze jesli juz masz taka potrzebe, to zostaw ja na serwerze, by wlasciciel mial do niej dostep.
5. Nie mow nikomu o swoich czynach, projektach z wyjatkiem osob, ktorym ufasz.
6. Nigdy nie uzywaj prawdziwych imion, nazwiska, numeru telefonu, staraj sie uzywac imion kobiecych, sa mniej podejrzane
7. Zostaw system w takim stanie jak go zastales.
8. Nie mow o swoich planach przez telefon domowy.
9. Badz przezornym az do przesady, trzymaj wszystkie materialy w bezpiecznym miejscu.
10. Aby stac sie prawdziwym hackerem musisz hackowac, a nie siedziec i tylko czytac, albo przywlaszczac sobie czyjes osiagniecia
11. Nie zostawiaj nigdzie swojego imienia, nazwiska, telefonu i innych danych. Nie posluguj sie tez danymi innych ludzi, zawsze uzywaj falszywych danych.
12. Na zhakowanych kontach uzywaj najlepiej imion kobiecych, sa mniej podejrzane.
13. Uwazaj z kim wymieniasz wiadomosci.
14. Nie dawaj nikomu telefonu, kogo nie znasz.
15. Nie hacz komputerow rzadowych.
16. Badz podejrzliwy!
17. Zadawaj pytania, lecz rob to delikatnie i nie licz, ze ktos wytlumaczy ci wszystko od podstaw.
Oto pełna lista 21 modułów:
Module 1: Ethics and Legality
What is an Exploit?
The security functionality triangle
The attacker's process
Passive reconnaissance
Active reconnaissance
Types of attacks
Categories of exploits
Goals attackers try to achieve
Ethical hackers and crackers - who are they
Self proclaimed ethical hacking
Hacking for a cause (Hacktivism)
Skills required for ethical hacking
Categories of Ethical Hackers
What do Ethical Hackers do?
Security evaluation plan
Types of Ethical Hacks
Testing Types
Ethical Hacking Report
Cyber Security Enhancement Act of 2002
Computer Crimes
Overview of US Federal Laws
Section 1029
Section 1030
Hacking Punishment
Module 2: Footprinting
What is Footprinting
Steps for gathering information
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Hacking Tool: Sam Spade
Analyzing Whois output
Finding the address range of the network
Hacking Tool: NeoTrace
Visual Route
Visual Lookout
Hacking Tool: Smart Whois
Hacking Tool: eMailTracking Pro
Hacking Tool:
Module 3: Scanning
Determining if the system is alive?
Active stack fingerprinting
Passive stack fingerprinting
Hacking Tool: Pinger
Hacking Tool: WS_Ping_Pro
Hacking Tool: Netscan Tools Pro 2000
Hacking Tool: Hping2
Hacking Tool: icmpenum
Detecting Ping sweeps
ICMP Queries
Hacking Tool:
Port Scanning
TCPs 3-way handshake
TCP Scan types
Hacking Tool: IPEye
Hacking Tool: IPSECSCAN
Hacking Tool: nmap
Port Scan countermeasures
Hacking Tool: HTTrack Web Copier
Network Management Tools
SolarWinds Toolset
War Dialing
Hacking Tool: THC-Scan
Hacking Tool: PhoneSweep War Dialer
Hacking Tool: Queso
Hacking Tool: Cheops
Proxy Servers
Hacking Tool: SocksChain
Surf the web anonymously
TCP/IP through HTTP Tunneling
Hacking Tool: HTTPort
Module 4: Enumeration
What is Enumeration
NetBios Null Sessions
Null Session Countermeasures
NetBIOS Enumeration
Hacking Tool: DumpSec
Hacking Tool: NAT
SNMP Enumertion
Hacking Tool: IP Network Browser
SNMP Enumeration Countermeasures
Windows 2000 DNS Zone transfer
Identifying Win2000 Accounts
Hacking Tool: User2SID
Hacking Tool: SID2User
Hacking Tool: Enum
Hacking Tool: UserInfo
Hacking Tool: GetAcct
Active Directory Enumeration
Module 5: System Hacking
Administrator Password Guessing
Performing Automated Password Guessing
Defending Against Password Guessing
Monitoring Event Viewer Logs
Eavesdroppin on Network Password Exchange
Hacking Tool: L0phtCrack
Hacking Tool: KerbCrack
Privilege Escalation
Hacking Tool: GetAdmin
Hacking Tool: hk
Manual Password Cracking Algorithm
Automatic Password Cracking Algorithm
Password Types
Types of Password Attacks
Dictionary Attack
Brute Force Attack
Distributed Brute Force Attack
Password Change Interval
Hybrid Attack
Cracking Windows 2000 Passwords
Retrieving the SAM file
Redirecting SMB Logon to the Attacker
SMB Redirection
Hacking Tool: SMBRelay
Hacking Tool: SMBRelay2
SMBRelay Man-in-the-Middle (MITM)
SMBRelay MITM Countermeasures
Hacking Tool: SMBGrinder
Hacking Tool: SMBDie
Hacking Tool: NBTDeputy
NetBIOS DoS Attack
Hacking Tool: nbname
Hacking Tool: John the Ripper
LanManager Hash
Password Cracking Countermeasures
Keystroke Logger
Hacking Tool: Spector
Hacking Tool: eBlaster
Hacking Tool: SpyAnywhere
Hacking Tool: IKS Software Logger
Hardware Tool: Hardware Key Logger
Hacking Tool: Rootkit
Planting Rootkit on Windows 2000 Machine
_rootkit_ embedded TCP/IP Stack
Rootkit Countermeasures
MD5 Checksum utility
Covering Tracks
Disabling Auditing
Clearing the Event Log
Hacking Tool: Elslave
Hacking Tool: Winzapper
Hacking Tool: Evidence Eliminator
Hidding Files
NTFS File Streaming
Hacking Tool: makestrm
NTFS Streams Countermeasures
Hacking Tool: ImageHide
Hacking Tool: MP3Stego
Hacking Tool: Snow
Hacking Tool: Camera/Shy
Steganography Detection
Encrypted File System
Hacking Tool: dskprobe
Hacking Tool: EFSView
Buffer Overflows
Creating Buffer Overflow Exploit
Outlook Buffer Overflow
Hacking Tool: Outoutlook
Module 6: Trojans and Backdoors
What is a Trojan Horse?
Overt and Covert
Hacking Tool: QAZ
Hacking Tool: Tini
Hacking Tool: Netcat
Hacking Tool: Donald Dick
Hacking Tool: SubSeven
Hacking Tool: BackOrifice 2000
Back Oriffice Plug-ins
Hacking Tool: NetBus
Hacking Tool: Graffiti
Hacking Tool: Silk Rope 2000
Hacking Tool: EliteWrap
Hacking Tool: IconPlus
Packaging Tool: Microsoft WordPad
Hacking Tool: Whack a Mole
Trojan Construction Kit
Hacking Tool: FireKiller 2000
Covert Channels
ICMP Tunneling
Hacking Tool: Loki
Reverse WWW Shell
Backdoor Countermeasures
BO Startup and Registry Entries
NetBus Startup and Registry Keys
Port Monitoring Tools
fPort TCPView
Process Viewer
Inzider - Tracks Processes and Ports
Trojan Maker
Hacking Tool: Hard Disk Killer
Man-in-the-Middle Attack
Hacking Tool: dsniff
System File Verification
Module 7: Sniffers
What is a Sniffer?
Hacking Tool: Etheral
Hacking Tool: Snort
Hacking Tool: WinDump
Hacking Tool: EtherPeek
Passive Sniffing
Active Sniffing
Hacking Tool: EtherFlood
How ARP Works?
Hacking Tool: DSniff
Hacking Tool: Macof
Hacking Tool: mailsnarf
Hacking Tool: URLsnarf
Hacking Tool: Webspy
Hacking Tool: Ettercap
Hacking Tool: SMAC
MAC Changer
ARP Spoofing Countermeasures
Hacking Tool: WinDNSSpoof
Hacking Tool: WinSniffer
Network Tool: IRIS
Network Tool: NetInterceptor
Hacking Tool: WinTCPKill
Module 8: Denial of Service
What is Denial of Service Attack?
Types of DoS Attacks
How DoS Work?
What is DDoS?
Hacking Tool: Ping of Death
Hacking Tool: SSPing
Hacking Tool: Land
Hacking Tool: Smurf
Hacking Tool: SYN Flood
Hacking Tool: CPU Hog
Hacking Tool: Win Nuke
Hacking Tool: RPC Locator
Hacking Tool: Jolt2
Hacking Tool: Bubonic
Hacking Tool: Targa
Tools for Running DDoS Attacks
Hacking Tool: Trinoo
Hacking Tool: WinTrinoo
Hacking Tool: TFN
Hacking Tool: TFN2K
Hacking Tool: Stacheldraht
Hacking Tool: Shaft
Hacking Tool: mstream
DDoS Attack Sequence
Preventing DoS Attack
DoS Scanning Tools
Zombie Zapper
Module 9: Social Engineering
What is Social Engineering?
Art of Manipulation
Human Weakness
Common Types of Social Engineering
Human Based Impersonation
Important User
Tech Support
Third Party Authorization
In Person
Dumpster Diving
Shoulder Surfing
Computer Impersonation
Mail Attachments
Popup Window
Website Faking
Reverse Social Engineering
Policies and Procedures
Social Engineering Security Policies
The Importance of Employee Education
Module 10: Session Hijacking
What is Session Hijacking?
Session Hijacking Steps
Spoofing Vs Hijacking
Active Session Hijacking
Passive Session Hijacking
TCP Concepts - 3 way Handshake
Sequence Numbers
Sequence Number Example
Guessing the Sequence Numbers
Hacking Tool: Juggernaut
Hacking Tool: Hunt
Hacking Tool: TTYWatcher
Hacking Tool: IP Watcher
Hacking Tool: T-Sight
Remote TCP Session Reset Utility
Dangers Posed by Session Hijacking
Protection against Session Hijacking
Module 11: Hacking Web Servers
Apache Vulnerability
Attacks against IIS
IIS Components
ISAPI DLL Buffer Overflows
IPP Printer Overflow
Oversized Print Requests
Hacking Tool: Jill32
Hacking Tool: IIS5-Koei
Hacking Tool: IIS5Hack
IPP Buffer Overflow Countermeasures
ISAPI DLL Source Disclosure
Defacing Web Pages
IIS Directory Traversal
Directory Listing
Clearing IIS Logs
Network Tool: LogAnalyzer
Attack Signature
Creating Internet Explorer (IE) Trojan
Hacking Tool: IISExploit
Hacking Tool:
Hacking Tool: cmdasp.asp
Escalating Privilages on IIS
Hacking Tool: IISCrack.dll
Hacking Tool: ispc.exe
Unspecified Executable Path Vulnerability
Hacking Tool: CleanIISLog
File System Traversal Countermeasures
Microsoft HotFix Problems
Cacls utility
Network Tool: Whisker
N-Stealth Scanner
Hacking Tool: WebInspect
Network Tool: Shadow Security Scanner
Module 12: Web Application Vulnerabilities
Documenting the Application Structure
Manually Inspecting Applications
Using Google to Inspect Applications
Directory Structure
Hacking Tool: Instant Source
Java Classes and Applets
Hacking Tool: Jad
HTML Comments and Contents
Hacking Tool: Lynx
Hacking Tool: Wget
Hacking Tool: Black Widow
Hacking Tool: WebSleuth
Cross Side scripting
Session Hijacking using XSS
Cookie Stealing
Hacking Tool: IEEN
Module 13: Web Based Password Cracking Techniques
Basic Authentication
Message Digest Authentication
NTLM Authentication
Certificate based Authentication
Digital Certificates
Microsoft Passport Authentication
Forms based Authentication
Creating Fake Certificates
Hacking Tool: WinSSLMiM
Password Guessing
Hacking Tool: WebCracker
Hacking Tool: Brutus
Hacking Tool: ObiWan
Hacking Tool: Munga Bunga
Password dictionary Files
Attack Time
Hacking Tool: Varient
Hacking Tool: PassList
Query Strings
Post data
Hacking Tool: cURL
Stealing Cookies
Hacking Tool: CookieSpy
Hacking Tool: ReadCookies
Hacking Tool: SnadBoy
Module 14: SQL Injection
What is SQL Injection Vulnerability?
SQL Insertion Discovery
Blank sa Password
Simple Input Validation
SQL Injection
OLE DB Errors
blah' or 1=1
Stealing Credit Card Information
Preventing SQL Injection
Database Specific SQL Injection
Hacking Tool: SQLDict
Hacking Tool: SQLExec
Hacking Tool: SQLbf
Hacking Tool: SQLSmack
Hacking Tool: SQL2.exe
Hacking Tool: Oracle Password Buster
Module 15: Hacking Wireless Networks
802.11 Standards
What is WEP?
Finding WLANs
Cracking WEP keys
Sniffing Trafic
Wireless DoS Attacks
WLAN Scanners
WLAN Sniffers
MAC Sniffing
Access Point Spoofing
Securing Wireless Networks
Hacking Tool: NetTumbler
Hacking Tool: AirSnort
Hacking Tool: AiroPeek
Hacking Tool: WEP Cracker
Hacking Tool: Kismet
WIDZ- Wireless IDS
Module 16: Virus and Worms
I Love You
Pretty Park
Code Red Worm
W32/Opaserv Worm
Code Red
SQL Slammer
How to write your own Virus?
Worm Construction Kit
Module 17: Novell Hacking
Common accounts and passwords
Accessing password files
Password crackers
Netware Hacking Tools
Module 18: Linux Hacking
Why Linux ?
Linux Basics
Compiling Programs in Linux
Scanning Networks
Mapping Networks
Password Cracking in Linux
Linux Vulnerabilities
A Pinger in Disguise
Session Hijacking
Linux Rootkits
Linux Security Countermeasures
IPChains and IPTables
Module 19: IDS, Firewalls and Honeypots
Intrusion Detection System
System Integrity Verifiers
How are Intrusions Detected?
Anomaly Detection
Signature Recognition
How does IDS match Signatures with Incoming Traffic?
Protocol Stack Verification
Application Protocol Verification
What Happens after an IDS Detects an Attack?
IDS Software Vendors
Evading IDS (Techniques)
Complex IDS Evasion
Hacking Tool: fragrouter
Hacking Tool: TCPReplay
Hacking Tool: SideStep
Hacking Tool: NIDSbench
Hacking Tool: ADMutate
IDS Detection
Tools to Detect Packet Sniffers
Tools to inject strangely formatted packets onto the wire
Hacking Through Firewalls
Placing Backdoors through Firewalls
Hiding behind Covert Channels
What is a Honeypot?
Honeypots Evasion
Honeypots vendors
Module 20: Buffer Overflows
What is a Buffer Overflow?
Assembly Language Basics
How to Detect Buffer Overflows in a Program?
Skills Required
CPU/OS Dependency
Understanding Stacks
Stack Based Buffer Overflows
Buffer Overflow Technical Implementation
Writing your own Buffer Overflow Exploit in C
Defense against Buffer Overflows
Type Checking Tools for Compiling Programs
Module 21: Cryptography
What is PKI?
Digital Certificates
Encryption Cracking Techniques
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Nie 13:24, 09 Wrz 2007 |
Please, help me, brothers!!! |
Hi, my friends!! I want to download software pack X-Rumer 5.07 Palladium for FREE. Have you any download link?
I'm so need this magic program! It's can break captchas automatically! Activate accounts via email automatically too! Absolutely great software! Help me!
And did you hear news - price for XRumer 5.0 Palladium will grow up to $540 after 15 may 2009... And XRumer 2.9 and 3.0 - too old versions, it's cant break modern catpchas and cant break modern anti-bot protections. But XRumer 5.0 Palladium CAN!!!!
So help me for download this great soft for free! Thanks!
Śro 9:14, 06 Maj 2009 |
Help for downloading for free |
XRumer 5.0 Palladium it the best soft for promo anyway.
I was promoted more than 100 my web-satellites up to Google's TOP-10 (keywords - adult and pharma)
Pią 1:17, 22 Maj 2009 |
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium? |
Who knows where to download XRumer 5.0 Palladium?
Help, please. All recommend this program to effectively advertise on the Internet, this is the best program!
Pią 6:20, 26 Cze 2009 |
huh.... well.. |
no any cracks(((
Think, XRumer 5.0 Palladium is really BEST software for promo and for SEO!
Wto 13:35, 21 Lip 2009 |
Prośba |
Linka nie działa został usunięty z servera na którym widniłą paczta softu :(
Mógłbyś zamieścić jeszcze raz ten zbiór programów na jakimś serwerze?
Ewentualnie prosiłbym o kontakt mailowy?
[link widoczny dla zalogowanych]
Zapalony student informatyki ;-D
Sob 7:34, 01 Maj 2010 |

Dołączył: 19 Lut 2011
Posty: 1
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Hej , link do tego poradnika jest nieaktywny, mógł byś Anubisie jeszcze raz wrzucić link na forum lub przesłać mi na pocztę jak możesz , zależy mi na tym poradniku bo dopiero zaczynam przygodę z hakerstwem i dzięki niemu wiele się nauczę . Będę niezmiernie wdzięczny.
Post został pochwalony 0 razy
Sob 12:32, 19 Lut 2011 |
Możesz pisać nowe tematy Możesz odpowiadać w tematach Nie możesz zmieniać swoich postów Nie możesz usuwać swoich postów Nie możesz głosować w ankietach